Break the ice!
The Ice-Breaker is the name of the very first speech you give at Toastmasters. After you join you choose a path in the Toastmasters Education Programme Pathways and you start working on your first project. Want to see what it looks like? Click here.

Ideally you work together with your mentor, whom you chose at one of the previous club meetings. This fellow Toastmaster will offer support with your ice-breaker and will give you constructive feedback before the great night. Then the evening arrives and you step in front of the audience at the lectern …
Get Feedback!
Later during our usual programme of the evening, you will receive feedback on your delivery and your speech from a dedicated evaluator and then it’s time for celebrations:

Get your award!
At our last meeting on Monday 14th we heard two successful ice-breakers by Astrid and Steve and two awards, ice-breaker ribbons, were given out by our Club President Neel.
Happy faces all around! Do you want to break the ice? Come to Bamberg Toastmasters.